Croatia rebrands!

The second Friday of April was particularly long-awaited by Croatian staff, as headquarters invited the teams to a party to celebrate the rebranding of Croatian operations and the start of the new era of Affidea Croatia.

In the Croatian capital Zagreb, on the 16th floor of the skyscraper the Zagreb Eye, the new business philosophy and corporate identity of Affidea were presented.

Marijana Pašalić, CFO Croatia, was the host of the gala event and also one of its speakers, along with Country Manager Giuseppe Giannasio and Brand Strategist Peter Economides, who both gave presentations on the impact that the name and brand are already having on both the business world and the medical community alike.

"As Euromedic, we have had a presence on the Croatian healthcare market for nearly 8 years now. Over the years, our centres – Poliklinika Kalajžić in Split and Poliklinika Čavka in Zagreb - have built significant reputations as trustworthy providers of diagnostic services in Croatia. Affidea is a brand in which we believe and we are convinced that you will recognize it too because it stands for something I'm sure we can all agree on - nothing is more important than health!" - Marijana Pašalić, CFO Affidea Croatia
