Affidea CEO Message on the International Day of Radiology 2020


As every year, the International Day of Radiology (IDoR2020) will be celebrated on November 8th with the aim of building awareness of the value that radiology contributes to patient care, and of the vital role radiologists and radiographers play in the healthcare ecosystem.

November 8th, the day that Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the existence of x-rays in 1895, is a day of action and awareness. This year, the International Day of Radiology finds us in a very difficult time for the whole world with the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. The day will therefore be dedicated to all diagnostic imaging professionals, recognising your essential role in fighting COVID-19 pandemic and bringing a tremendous contribution to the diagnosis and follow-up monitoring of COVID-19 patients.

With this occasion, I want to express my most heartfelt appreciations to each and every one of you - radiologists, radiographers, physicians and professionals from related fields, to all of you who are our heroes identifying timely and with a high precision illnesses. We recognise your work and dedication with much gratitude. You are all setting an extraordinary example of commitment, professionalism and solidarity! 

Let’s celebrate together the International Day of Radiology, keeping safety as our number one priority to protect our people and our patients.

A challenging moment like this is the time to live our values:

  • affinity with patients and doctors, 
  • fidelity and trust in every we do and
  • constant progress through new ideas and innovations. 

These values can be a powerful force and a compelling source of reassurance in these times. 

I wish you all a happy and safe International Day of Radiology!


Giuseppe Recchi

CEO Affidea
