Affidea CEO Message to all Healthcare Professionals on World Health Day 2020

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Every year, on April 7th we celebrate World Health Day. This year, it comes at a very challenging time, when every person on the planet is grappling with this critical global pandemic.  

Today, my message goes to all our healthcare professionals that are working day and night to keep us safe. When the whole world fears for their health, you carry your noble mission forward and fulfil your calling, in many cases sacrificing your own health. We are more deeply grateful than ever for the way you serve our patients with such dedication and resilience!

This year, the World Health Day celebrates nurses and midwives all over the world.  

To all our nurses across Europe - you work tirelessly to care for patients in the most difficult times, with your instinctive compassion to heal. You always go above and beyond for your patients and in the Covid-19 era, your work is even more challenging.  

Thank you for your dedication! We stand by you and our thoughts are with you. 

As the effects of COVID-19 continue to be felt around the world, I am extremely proud to see how Affidea family members everywhere continue to tackle this global challenge and offer true care for our patients, standing brave and still in the frontline of the battle. 

Times of anxiety test us all, and yet we have seen the best of our people in recent weeks, supporting each other.  

We navigate through these uncertain times, still our motto – “nothing is more important than health” is simply undeniable now. Let’s all keep supporting each other, working with the same passion and determination.  

Stay safe and look after your families! Nothing is more important than health! 

Giuseppe Recchi

CEO Affidea
